Animal story :: a humble goat

Once upon a time in a greats plain,live a little goat whose eating grass with two other friend,and they are is a bull and a Buffalo.
A goat getting along with em even sometimes they're always picking on him,because he realize he can't survive in this greats plain without a friend who can share a food with him.
buffalo :: "hey goat,let's eat @ the river side,there's a lot of delicious Grass.
Goat. :: hmm riverbank is dangerous Buffalo, theres crocodile living @ river,I think we shouldn't going there, let's just eat here,grass over here is delicious too I think.
Buffalo :: oh come on,don't be scare with crocodile,I've already bored with this grass.come let's go there...
Goat :: don't go Buffalo you'll gonna be eaten by crocodile if you go there,just be grateful dude,let's eat here.
Buffalo :: ah I won't goat,if u won't come,then I'll go by myself,bye goat,I'll gonna eat delicious grass by my self and I won't share it with you.
After saying few word the gluttony buffalo go by him self to riverbank and didn't listen to what goat say
Goat :: oh no, its really dangerous,Buffalo gonna be eaten by crocodile if he going there,I should help him.
But how he gonna help him,his body is too little to fight with crocodile even crocodile gonna eat him along with Buffalo if he going there...
Goat :: what should I do,what should I do..ahhh I get it ,I think its will be better if I ask for bull help,I hope he willing to help Buffalo.
Finally after goat got an idea to asking bull for helping Buffalo,he run as fast as he can to where bull was right there.

Goat :: bull, hey bull, I need your help man.
Bull :: woooah weakling, what's up man?
Goat :: hey bull can u help me??
Bull :: what is it weakling?
Goat :: Buffalo, he go to riverbank to eat delicious grass over there,but there's a place of crocodile live,we should help him,if not he will be breakfast for crocodile.
Bull :: ah such a gluttony creature,just let him u should mind him if he eaten by crocodile, if he eaten that's because his fat tummy and his weak body
Goat :: oh come on almighty bull,only you the one that I can ask for help,even Buffalo always taking my food or he is stubborn with his head,he still my friend,with your strong power I thing u can help him.
Bull :: bhahaha you're right weakling,a strong and powerful bull like me is the one that u can depend,hahahah its pleasing me when u say I m strong,all right I will prove my power to you, let's help that fat Buffalo.
After bull showing of his power to goat he go to riverbank with goat to help Buffalo.
At the road to riverbank,bull keep talking bout his pride and power even he say he ever fight and taking down a lion,goat can't understand with all of his story because its seem all predators has been beaten by him..and its all doesn't make sense at all.
After long way finally they arrived at riverbank,when they arrive they're shocked when they see Buffalo already bited by crocodile and Buffalo screaming for help to bull and goat.
Buffalo :: bull help me...goat help me please
Crocodile :: its useless to asking help to em,if they getting closer that's mean I'm gonna have a lot of supply food, hahahaha
Buffalo :: please crocodile, don't eat me,my meat doesn't taste good
Crocodile :: how can I let a fat and big meat like you go..
Bull :: let him go...
Bull charging crocodile with high speed to save Buffalo,he tusk crocodile so Buffalo was off from crocodile teeth,and Buffalo run as fast as he can to goat side
Bull :: u dare to show of your strength in front of me the ultimate power
Bull say it with pride and anger
Crocodile :: your strength not absolute bull,coz when in the river I'm the power
Crocodile charging back at bull and he bite bull leg ,and drag him to the river,bull cannot fight back and crocodile bit him very harsh
Bull :: aaaaaawwww,help Buffalo goat help meeee
Crocodile :: where's your pride bull,??hahahaha prey is prey never can breakthrough of predators, even I didn't get that's fat Buffalo I still can eat this big bull hahahahaja.
Seeing this situation Buffalo and goat was scare that his friend gonna be eaten by crocodile, goat was thinking how to defeat strong crocodile that even bull who already strong still lose to this crocodile, when he was looking around,he was see a rotten tree that almost broke,and when he see it he got an idea,
Goat :: Buffalo can u help me my friend,I know your leg was injured but for sake of bull we should push this rotten tree,so i t can crush upon crocodile
Buffalo :: even if I stupid, I wouldn't let my friend die goat,this leg still can move so let's we help bull
Goat :: alright thats the spirit,are u ready, 1 ..2....3 puussssssh
Goat and Buffalo working together to help bull,and after they push the tree, its really crashing down to body of crocodile, he screaming painfully and let his bite off bull,
Goat :: bull ruuuuuuuuun...
When goat screaming at bull,bull doesn't waste time,he run as fast as he can even his leg injured same as Buffalo but he run like a healthy bull..
Afterwards Buffalo and bull was helped by a humble goat who always picked by em...they comeback to the great plain with safety,now bull and Buffalo more respectfully towards goat,they never buly him again,even they became a close friend all because a humble goat who save em....
-the end-
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