Lesson 1 = 3 Important thing to teach you child reading

Right now I wanna give all of you information about "how to teach your children for reading"

All right first let's we say that you have a kid 5 years old and he/she right now is in active conditions

Fist thing u should have is alfabethical poster,its really easy to find @bookstore, pick one that have a most attract colours and fonts, coz it will attract your kid attention,and when he/she ask u "what it is?" U can say its for him to play and sing,because everykids love to play and singing.
Then place ur poster @ a place that your child often to see..so he/she will be more easier to remembered it.

Second thing after poster is introducing content inside poster it self.
All right,there is a lot of method u can use to introducing letter to your kid.
I recommended with singing...its more easier to remember letter with singing..there is song for alphabetical letter
"A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" all of you parenta must a be known with this song, right ??..:)

Next is with game,u can play a guesting game with ur child about letter ,for example like guesting about animal name from a fist letter that u and your kid choose...
Example : what an animal who had a first latter from G?..
This is an example question that I suggest its will make him/her expand their knowledge about letter and animal name of course...or u can use other thing than animal...make ur game fun and give ur kids reward wheb he/she guest is right...such like a hug,kiss or some cookies.
After game,I still had other method, is with drawing.. U can made some examples drawing for him/her to colouring your draws,and I suggest u draw some alphabet letter on your drawing...so he can also remember end it.

Alright that's few method I always use to teach and raising child motivation to remember letter and learning to reading.
Thanks for reading I hope it information is useful for you.

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