Animal story :: a humble goat

Once upon a time in a greats plain,live a little goat whose eating grass with two other friend,and they are is a bull and a Buffalo.
A goat getting along with em even sometimes they're always picking on him,because he realize he can't survive in this greats plain without a friend who can share a food with him.
buffalo :: "hey goat,let's eat @ the river side,there's a lot of delicious Grass.
Goat. :: hmm riverbank is dangerous Buffalo, theres crocodile living @ river,I think we shouldn't going there, let's just eat here,grass over here is delicious too I think.
Buffalo :: oh come on,don't be scare with crocodile,I've already bored with this grass.come let's go there...
Goat :: don't go Buffalo you'll gonna be eaten by crocodile if you go there,just be grateful dude,let's eat here.
Buffalo :: ah I won't goat,if u won't come,then I'll go by myself,bye goat,I'll gonna eat delicious grass by my self and I won't share it with you.
After saying few word the gluttony buffalo go by him self to riverbank and didn't listen to what goat say
Goat :: oh no, its really dangerous,Buffalo gonna be eaten by crocodile if he going there,I should help him.
But how he gonna help him,his body is too little to fight with crocodile even crocodile gonna eat him along with Buffalo if he going there...
Goat :: what should I do,what should I do..ahhh I get it ,I think its will be better if I ask for bull help,I hope he willing to help Buffalo.
Finally after goat got an idea to asking bull for helping Buffalo,he run as fast as he can to where bull was right there.
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Lesson 1 = 3 Important thing to teach you child reading

Right now I wanna give all of you information about "how to teach your children for reading"

All right first let's we say that you have a kid 5 years old and he/she right now is in active conditions

Fist thing u should have is alfabethical poster,its really easy to find @bookstore, pick one that have a most attract colours and fonts, coz it will attract your kid attention,and when he/she ask u "what it is?" U can say its for him to play and sing,because everykids love to play and singing.
Then place ur poster @ a place that your child often to he/she will be more easier to remembered it.

Second thing after poster is introducing content inside poster it self.
All right,there is a lot of method u can use to introducing letter to your kid.
I recommended with singing...its more easier to remember letter with singing..there is song for alphabetical letter
"A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z" all of you parenta must a be known with this song, right ??..:)

Next is with game,u can play a guesting game with ur child about letter ,for example like guesting about animal name from a fist letter that u and your kid choose...
Example : what an animal who had a first latter from G?..
This is an example question that I suggest its will make him/her expand their knowledge about letter and animal name of course...or u can use other thing than animal...make ur game fun and give ur kids reward wheb he/she guest is right...such like a hug,kiss or some cookies.
After game,I still had other method, is with drawing.. U can made some examples drawing for him/her to colouring your draws,and I suggest u draw some alphabet letter on your he can also remember end it.

Alright that's few method I always use to teach and raising child motivation to remember letter and learning to reading.
Thanks for reading I hope it information is useful for you.

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